Tuesday, December 16, 2008

On Empathy

Someone once said to me, "It is different when you know somebody, when it is right in front of you, and you see it."
Are there downsides to innocence?
Are there different kinds of innocence?
Is it possible to truly understand the dark while still remaining in the light?
These are some of the questions that haunt me from time to time. I long so much to be able to reach people, especially in my writing. Paul said that he became all things to all men. I want to be able to write to all men, but how can I do that if I do not understand them? What must I do to understand? After all, "Understanding is the beginning of empathy." Surely one can remain right with the Lord and still come to understand, but the questions still haunt me.


Alexander Cox said...

Greg, rarely do I have the proper words to respond to your posts, but I believe I can say in full confidence that YOU WILL reach the masses with your art... your writing, your poetry, your painting.

It isn't so much, I believe, that you understand those nuances in humanity, but that you are aware of them. Empathy with the state and longings of mankind is rampant within that art which I have already seen you produce.

I affirm your abilities, and your willingness. God will grant understanding as you seek Him.

Let's do Oxford, what'ya say?

Nathaniel FitzGerald said...

I think empathy is made easier when you keep in mind that just about everyone wants the same thing: to matter. To be loved. To take care of someone. To help others. To be helped.

Different names for the same thing.