I have been feeling very poetically impotent lately. I have not been able to write much that I am pleased with. Maybe that is a sign of growth. Perhaps I will rise to this challenge to create poetry that is sweeter and more profound.
Right now, it is just discouraging. I still write every day, but the products often seem tedious or even worse unpoetic. Now, to be fair, I am always my own worst critic. So it is possible that these poems are not nearly as bad as I suppose them to be. Nevertheless, this is the first one in over two weeks that I have felt is worth posting here. It is also the shortest that I have written in two weeks. In fact, it is one of the shortest that I have ever written. I think that is why I like it. Its brevity makes it beautiful.
No Rain Fell
Not today
There are no words today
No words
They tore up the flowers
A green leaf spiraled down
I can muster nothing more