Friday, March 19, 2010

On Stones

I wrote this poem after my first visit to a medieval castle while visiting Wales. More on the trip soon.


These stones rest like an old soldier,
watching his visitors come and go.
They'll sit with him, but never long
enough to wake him from his slumber.

These strangers wander through, staring
at the stones staring back. Empty
rooms delight them; they ask, "Who lived
here? Who was born within these walls?"

The ought to ask who died. The old
soldier shudders at the memory
of friend and foe; their final gasps
echoing still in his stony heart.

There are no more voices to speak
from these towers, no more fires to light
these walls and drive away the dark.
There is life, at times, but no living.

*in Welsh, f's are pronounced like v's.

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