Sunday, May 30, 2010

On Impression

Scene on the Road to Winchester

Silent, these giants
watch over the countryside
standing still as the earth
and to the young, they are as solid.
But the old can remember
the days before they rose up
the days when only trees reached to the sky.
They pass these giants
coldly with a shudder--
thankful for their care,
but fearful of their power

Contrast holds the world like a mother
holds her child, and the world
drinks her milk unaware
push and pull
love and fear

It is a comely composition
a pristine artistic study
line, gradient, texture
those elegant forms
cones and cylinders in one--
the delicate conversion
cool on one side
warm on the other
simple strange beauty

There are well-lit shadows--
whispers that never cease . . .
Let us sit and watch the world turn

Her first kiss is gentle,
her delicate lips
like the bud of a blossom,
then they embrace--
breathing together--
and her kisses travel
like the course of blood--
burning together--
fusion of a different nature
as the morning sun
gathers these towers in her arms.

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