Monday, January 10, 2011

On Inspiration

Well, I survived KCACTF.

My play was read and responded to. The respondents were hard on me, but there was a lot of helpful feedback. There was some that was less than helpful, but for the most part, it showed me things I could improve in my play.

In a broader sense, my creativity is bursting. There is something about being around art that inspires me and pushes me to create art myself. In the last few days I have had idea after idea and I am scrambling to set them all down before they drift away or I lose them in the coming business of my final semester of college. Weeks like this remind me why I love the theatre and make me want to quit college and devote myself to writing constantly until something comes of it. Hopefully, I can curb my desire to forego my studies while feeding this creative impulse. I cannot wait to see where it takes me.


the Crow himself said...

I am also bursting, Greg, because of the art around me, the beautiful things. One of those things was this post alone.
You didn't adorn it, but the image of you scrambling to set them all down stuck with me, and I've been doing some of the same. Thanks for the reminder.

Peter said...

On a lesser note, I was around an artist (Scott Erickson) who painted this weekend and it inspired me to actually give it a real try for once.