I've finished another semester.
As fast as it flew by, this has been a very long semester--very full. It had its great moments, but I am very glad that it is accomplished. I have had a hard time really looking forward to being at Oxford, just because so many things stood in the way. When I first found out I was accepted, it hardly even felt real. I didn't know how to be excited about it. The last few weeks have been different. I finished off more and more final projects which meant that there were fewer and fewer obstacles between me and the trip. It got scary for a while. In some ways it is, but now it is only three weeks of Christmas break away, and I can truly look forward to it.
I think I have spent far too much time focusing on the negatives of a semester abroad, which is strange for me. I am a die hard optimist. I can almost always see the bright side. Of course, I have seen the bright side to studying at Oxford from the beginning, but oddly enough, it has not always been the side on which I centred my attention.
I am changing that. This trip will rock my world, and it will do so in Europe. I'll have a close, long-time friend to share it with, and we are going to be studying in Oxford. That I have the chance to have such an experience blows my mind.
God is good.
Oh yeah, and only one week to Christmas.
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