Sunday, August 1, 2010

On The Beginning

Why did you speak in the beginning when there was no one, nothing to hear you? Or did the very act of utterance manifest the something that could reply, even if that something was the substance of nothingness?

And why did you wrap creation in a word? A word is so transient and so mutable, meaning something new with every voice that pronounces it. Now your word is at the whim of a host of tiny minds who say it as they please, annunciating it wrongly or with disgust or with ridicule in their voices.

But I still think it a lovely word. It is music in my ears, and the very thought of it stirs my soul.
Beyond letter...
Beyond sound....
Beyond meaning....

Would you speak it again? Let me hear it ring with your voice. Teach my lips, my tongue, my teeth to move in the dance of the word of the universe, that I may understand the stars and fathom the void in which they hang.

That I may be a voice to answer when you speak.

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