Welcome December. It is good to see you again. You're looking good this year. How have you been? You know, you are among the more well reputed months of the twelve. People spend much of the year looking forward to seeing you. This is probably true for a few reasons. For one thing, your name is associated with winter. Even though that season does not officially start until the 21st, Autumn is pretty much passed by the time you show up. Nonetheless, only four months get the privilege of hosting a change in season. I guess that is a part of your renown. With that change in season you also get to host the winter solstice, the longest day of the year. Even though most people do not really mark it, they are aware of it, and the hope of days with more sunlight is a hope worth having, and that is a hope you give them. Also associated with winter is the coming of snow, at least in those regions fortunate enough to be blessed by this form of precipitation. As much as people tend to complain about it, deep down everyone has at least a little appreciation for snow. And you are lucky. Other months go garbed in white. January and February and usually March display the wintry powder. Even April and November have been known to display snow. However, you are lucky because while you are around, people still enjoy the snow. It is fresh and clean and covers over the decay left by Autumn's passing. By the time February and March roll around, snow is well out of season, and the white has usually gotten old and been stained by then. People generally want a change after seeing so many months dressed the same. However, you are not blamed for this, because you make the snow popular.
These are all veritable reasons for your fame, but I think that the most significant cause is Christmas. You were fated long ago to bear that holiday. I think it is time you knew that we humans are very shallow, especially those of us who are Americans. We are also quite materialistic. That Christmas of yours (I suppose I should also include Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, to be fair) has provided us an opportunity to be unremorsefully selfish and focus entirely on our own wants. You give us gifts, and that more than anything is why people love you. Every month is host to a handful of birthdays, thus endearing a select group of people to each month. However, you have the constant. Especially now that Christmas is commercial, it is a holiday that everyone can enjoy, a holiday that brings gluttony to all. If it were not for the fact that you were such a good acquaintance with Ole Saint Nick, we would probably get sick of your gray skies and slick roads a lot quicker. As it is, we will endure them for the sake of presents, not to mention the days off that we get. I hate to break it to you, but this love we have for you is not founded on depth of character, or even the fact that this so beloved holiday is associated with the birth of our only Saviour, we just like you for the toys we get. It is a good thing you save Christmas til you are almost gone. That was good thinking on your part. So welcome Christmas, I mean, Winter, that is...shoot, what's your name? Oh yes...uh...December, that's it, December! Welcome December. It is good to see you. Now where are my presents?
1 comment:
Today I said to myself, "Ahhhh, it is finally December." It had nothing to do with toys or commercialism. I was thankful for December's presence because of the hope it brings. Hope for close friends, strong relationships, family time, rest, the comfort of home and nature. We talked a lot about commercialism in psychology today, and I understand its deceptive face. Yet I like all the gushy stuff about December and Christmas. I like feeling like a little kid, I love drinking hot chocolate in a big comfy chair and listening to carols, and I love snow. Your December welcome is good for me...it makes me think, but it also gets me excited about celebrating Him and his gifts to us. :)
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