I had decided this summer that I was going to start assembling some poetry and try to get it published. This suffered a serious setback when I was deprived of my laptop. However, now that I have a new one, I have begun working on it again.
The only problems is: I have no idea what I'm doing. Right now, I'm just typing up a bunch of poems, but I don't know where to go from there. I'm trying to follow a basic theme, but I have written so many poems over the past year, that it is hard to wade through them all and weed stuff out. Then I will edit it, but that is a process that seems quite daunting. Since I started writing a poem every day, I stopped revising quite so much, which may be a problem, but I am certainly going to get a work out now. There is also the challenge of actually getting them published. A nice electronic copy of well-edited poems is pretty useless without any way for people to read them. In this area, I have no idea whatsoever what I ought to be doing.
Any advice?
We should definitely discuss this.
I have ideas of my own first publishing material.. perhaps yours is drawing from collaborating concepts...
Also. I'm impressed that you blogged this week.
Talk to your mom. There are some very helpful resources that walk you through the process (query letters, connecting with the right publisher, submission specifications). It will take a bit of research on your part, but you don't mind research. :)
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