Thursday, October 1, 2009

On Celebration: Misfortune Addendum (post 100)

This is a post for celebrations. First off, this is the post when my blog turns 100. I started this blog on a whim about 15 months ago and I have finally reached 100 posts. It feels like a big milestone. Any time you can throw "hundred" into something, it makes it feel a lot more significant. Maybe someday, I will be able to say I have written hundredS of blog posts. Just think how much more significant I will feel about myself then.
I have another reason to celebrate. I have finally gotten a new laptop to replace the one that was stolen. It is such a crazy story. It took over a month and a half to get my replacement laptop, but I still consider myself incredibly fortunate for the whole affair.
Because I did not have to pay a cent. Since I was living on Notre Dame's rent when the robbery happened, they took full responsibility for the loss and bought me a brand new laptop at no cost to me. What a huge blessing! Sure, I had to go quite a while without one, but even that helped me distance myself from the over-attachment to the internet that most college students tend to form. The new computer has also come at a very good time. I am finally getting to that part of the year when papers start getting assigned. I have a very gracious roommate, but I don't think that even he would be generous enough to let me write an entire research paper on his computer.

1 comment:

starbird said...

I enjoy being an interwebs attached college cyborg, thank you very much.