Monday, October 19, 2009

On Silicon Skins


In this binary world
We are all ones and zeros
And zeros
Standing alone
Standing empty
With ones and zeros on every side
Ones and zeros
In endless rows and columns
Adding up
But never becoming sums
Remaining forever
And Zeros

It probably seems hypocrytical for me to post a poem like this in an electronic blog, and maybe it is, but at least I wrote it in ink...
Regardless, this blog is a place where I have a voice, even if it is one that only a few people hear. And what I want to say with this voice is that nowadays we have a hard time connecting to people, especially when so much of it takes place online. The internet is great, and it can help connect people. That is true. But so often it becomes a crutch that keeps people from walking far enough to actually see each other, and that is when it becomes a problem.

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