Saturday, November 27, 2010

On Opening

There is nothing like the first taste of a new book.

you run your fingers over the cover
your thumb catches the edge or the corner
and you open it
a new world

I don't know the story, the characters--who they are or who they will become, where they will go or what they will do. I learn their names, their faces, their habits. I learn their hopes, their disappointments, their secrets. They teach me, and I respond to them.

with a thousand unspoken thoughts
with that slight change in my voice
almost unnoticeable
a slightly different pronunciation perhaps
an added depth
or hollowness
with the words I will write
my words?
or no one's
or everyone's
with the way I look into the faces of strangers
with the way I choose

Pages turn like days, like minutes, like years. A thumb on one page, a forefinger ready to turn the next. The world is new--is changed--is revealed with every turn.

Expectation, anticipation, hope, disappointment, secrets wait within a closed book. Beginning, end, continuation--all moments as one between the covers. A voice, and utterance, a story--waiting to tell, waiting to be heard.

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