Thursday, November 25, 2010

On Turkey Day

I am thankful . . .

for Odysseys
for homecomings

for family
for love I haven't earned and couldn't get rid of even if I wanted to

for hugs

for friends who edify
for friends who call me out when I'm wrong
for friends who are friends even when I don't keep in touch very well
for friends who are friends even when I don't tell them how desperately I care
for them

for good coffee
for good tea
for good bread
for pomegranates
for eggs
for turkey cranberry and brie sandwiches
for berry crumbles
for cider
for scones
for hot chocolate
for cheesecake
for pumpkins
for soup
for stir fry
for cumin
for ginger
for garlic
for soy sauce
for chilli powder
for meals of only fruit and bread and cheese

for a healthy body
for a healthy mind

for ideas
for great writers
for great thinkers
for great painters
for great musicians
for great actors
for challenges
for the stack of books and scripts demanding my attention
for stories
for beginnings
for ends
for the fact that nothing ever truly begins or ends

for loud, bright places
for dark, quiet places

for trees
for water
for clouds
for rain
for stars
for the moon

for the things I've remembered
for the things I've forgotten

for failures
for humanness
for limitations
for weakness
for Grace

for God


Anonymous said...

This is lovely.

Anonymous said...

I am so extremely thankful for you and the gifts God has given you for expressing yourself!

Sarah G. said...

A great poem.

As a side-note, the turkey, cranberry, and brie sandwich makes me hungry...